The Paula M. Trienens Institute Six Pillars of Decarbonization
With a shared goal of decarbonization, the Trienens Institute Six Pillars of Decarbonization leverage Northwestern strengths to accelerate the transition to a clean energy future
There are many ways to make a positive difference for the planet. Among them, decarbonization is key as it stands to help mitigate the climate crisis and its many impacts. In order for each of us to take steps to reduce our personal carbon footprint and help advance a decarbonized society, we need to understand what drives it, and the action we can take to create a positive result.
How can you begin to decarbonize your own life? Consider these tips from experts at Northwestern University. These ideas are in line with the Trienens Institute Six Pillars of Decarbonization, the focus of the University’s Paula M. Trienens Institute for Sustainability and Energy.
Expert Insight: “Even under current technologies, electricity markets throughout the world are finding it profitable to expand their energy generation with solar power, being the most significant capacity expansion source,” said Mar Reguant, professor of economics. “Market design and public policies will play a key role in ensuring that solar power can take over quickly and orderly.”
Learn more about The Generate Pillar.
Expert Insight: “The utility companies would like to go increasingly to renewable energy sources because they are quickly becoming cheaper than fossil fuels,” said Mark Hersam, Co-Chair of the Store Pillar. “The transition to renewables will be accelerated by grid-level energy storage so that electricity generated by solar and wind can be used at times when it is not sunny or windy. Ultimately, we need to go in with both feet on renewables with corresponding storage technologies.”
Learn more about The Store Pillar.
Expert Insight: “We have parallel needs: decarbonize the grid and develop technology for using electrochemistry to produce hydrogen,” said Jennifer Dunn, who co-leads the Deploy Pillar.
Learn more about The Deploy Pillar.
Expert Insight: “When you recycle plastic, you save carbon dioxide because you are saving energy, and energy and carbon dioxide right now are synonymous,” said William Dichtel, Recycle Pillar Co-Chair.
Learn more about The Recycle Pillar.
Expert Insight: “Our focus is to think about the inputs used to make the commodity products we’re so used to having—instead of digging up new oil to make them, we’re looking at how to efficiently use the resources we already have and minimize the amount of waste created in the process,” said Linsey Seitz, Co-Chair of the Transform Pillar.
Learn more about The Transform Pillar.
Expert Insight: “What makes Northwestern really special is that we have people from engineering, science, and even social science and economics who come together in teams,” said Randall Snurr, Co-Chair of the Capture Pillar. “That intellectual diversity is essential for solving a problem like this.”
Learn more about The Capture Pillar.
For more ideas on how to support decarbonization efforts through the Trienens Institute, learn how companies and non-profits can partner with us and how organizations, such as foundations and individuals, can support our work.